A view of the real Olympic Mountains as seen from Lester Road (up the hill from our place).
Ron and Kathy in 2002 |
Hi! We're Ron and Kathy Miller of Silverdale, Washington. We married in May of 1973 and moved to this place in March of 1975, about one month after the birth of our first child, Michael. Ron grew up in Southern Idaho and moved here in 1969 to take a job at the Naval Shipyard in Bremerton. He is a mechanical-engineer. In 1976, he took a job at the Bangor Naval Submarine Base and has worked there ever since (located in Silverdale... another Navy installation). He is coming down to the wire on retirement and can hardly wait! In his spare time he has worked on the house over the years. We had a fire in the wall around the living room fireplace in the fall of 1982 (watch out for old construction) and the house has been in a state of flux ever since, and even before. None of the rooms are totally finished at this time, but a few rooms are close. The kids probably don't remember the house before remodeling. His hobbies and interests have to do with cars, working with tools, good music and genealogy. Ron no longer has the responsibility of working at the Family History Center each week (we are Latter-day Saints/Mormon), although he is still very much involved with genealogical concerns. His most recent calling is that of Stake Cannery Coordinator (along with me). He retired from his civil service job in Spring of 2010 and has been busy getting to projects around the house and traveling a bit. He has mostly finished remodeling our kitchen as I type this and helped Kristine and Alex this summer with work on their rental house. A side note on the Family History Centers... The LDS church has these all over the country and they are open to anyone who wants to use their resources for researching their ancestors. In fact... there are actually more non-Mormon folks who take advantage of the FHC resources than members! (If you want to see where the nearest Family History Center is near you... you can click here and do a search.) For genealogical research, you should also check out www.familysearch.org. What a wonderful resource! |
A nice photo of Ron taken in 2009. |
I (Kathy) have lived here my whole life, except for one year of college at Brigham Young University. I came home to Silverdale, WA to work and save money for another year and never made it back. It was here (in neighboring Bremerton), in the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, that I met my husband. We married in 1973 at the Logan LDS Temple and just after the birth of Michael in 1975, moved to this place... five acres in a little community called Olympic View. I have been a stay-at-home mom, except for a few years that I worked part-time at a local Nursery (Furney's... now closed) after my youngest child entered first grade. I worked in the perennials section and did the ordering for two seasons before the nursery closed. It was a great experience, but I sure got behind in our own garden!
My hobbies have centered around home industries over the years... sewing, canning, soapmaking, and firstly, gardening. As far back as I can remember, I loved "experiencing" plants. My childhood home had a large landscaped yard that had originally been designed by nursery owners. There was a wonderful assortment of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants to enjoy. I think even now, I could sketch out that old yard and just about remember every plant that was growing in each bed. It was a beautiful place. I wanted to recreate that environment when we moved here, but we are in a more open situation. As I've gotten older the garden has gotten away from me and I have to pace myself. I keep hoping I'll make inroads each season before the hot weather takes hold! =:o Another abiding interest has been music and I play the piano and sang second alto for over 10 years with a local chorale group. Besides reading about gardening, I have enjoyed psychology, personality and temperament types, child psychology, the paranormal, near-death experiences, handwriting analysis, and other such things that unlock the mysteries of the human psyche. Genealogy has also been something I've been involved with, but have not done as much research recently since so many improvements have been implemented. I've been feeling he pull to get back to that and there is much here for me to be archiving (old family photos and papers left in my care). My Scots-Irish roots in particular seem to be calling and in the fall of 2009 I was able to take a trip to Scotland and Northern England. This was not something I ever expected I'd do, but it was a great experience that I am still processing. The tour had a focus on gardens, as well as many castles, etc. I guess I should add the computer to my hobbies, since it seems I'm often in front of it more than I'd like! Over the years, I have periodically taught soapmaking and gardening classes at church and in the community, so I have put some of the material from those "handouts" on this site. They are fairly basic, but might be helpful to those just getting started. Since posting this web page in March of 1998, I have become busier and busier with soapy concerns and have less and less energy and focus due to midlife changes. :-P I wish I could say I've had time to keep the site updated and spiffy, but that hasn't been the case. While answering emails can be time consuming, it has been a lot of fun hearing from people who have shared their experiences with soapmaking. I've also formed a few friendships over the Internet that have been very gratifying as a result of the whole web page (including the gardening portion, which was the point in the first place!).
When I'm not on the computer, making soap, or in the garden, I do a few things around the house, and also have church responsibilities. In the summer of 2012 I was called to be a Stake Cannery Coordinator, along with my husband.
Here are few photos from the U.K. trip, September - October 2009 ...
Edinburgh, Scotland - Kathy on the Guthrie Street steps. These were used in a memorable scene from the BBC mini-series, North & South. Margaret Hale gets crushed against the side where I'm standing when the mill workers flood down at the end of the day.
Edinburgh, Scotland - Looking down the Royal Mile toward the John Knox House (to the left of the phone booths). I just loved being in Scotland... my best part of the trip. It felt like home to me. |
Kathy Knox Miller visits this spot (although they say John Knox didn't actually live here). I wish there had been time to visit their library. John Knox only had daughters, so if we're related, it's through a collateral line. Our hotel was just around the corner from this building.
Edinburgh, Scotland - view of city from Old Calton Hill. My roommate and I walked up here on our last day. She was so good about letting me fulfill my Edinburgh fantasies. I'd seen this view in North & South and wanted to walk up here, although we didn't get to the other section (cemetery) where they actually shot the scenes for the mini-series. This looks similar... the Waverley Bridge is very distinctive in the background. Angie had her own reasons for wanting to see this... her father had sketched or painted this exact scene years ago from a vantage point to the right of this picture. They were working on a structure when we were there and had the better prospect blocked off. We missed the walking "Ghost Tour" to be able to break away and do this, but I still don't regret the decision. I only wish we'd had more "free time" on the trip. |
Edinburgh, Scotland... how I LOVED thee! :-)
The breathtaking York Minster in England. We had glorious weather that day.
A tired, but happy Kathy at Anne Hathaway's Cottage near Stratford-Upon-Avon. The jet lag was just beginning to lift at this point.
Wish the above photo had not been blurred... it would have been a nice one. (Taken by Joe Binetti in the Sudeley Castle Secret Garden, England.) He had to use the zoom to take this... he being at the far end. The picture below is what I was seeing... |
Most of our UK travel group, at the RHS Gardens - Wisley. To my left, Marianne Binetti is partially hidden behind a bit of Verbena bonariensis. She and her husband led the group. Below... favorite garden from our last day - Great Dixter. |
We'll start out the family photos with a couple of oldies... when the kids were all still in the nest (it's empty now)...
Think Olan Mills will come after me for using their logo? ;-) I don't believe we ordered this one since a few people were caught with strange expressions. From Left to Right are: little Karen in Ron's lap, Michael in back, Kathy holding baby Lynda, Kristine in fuchsia (was good for her even then!), little Diane in front and Robert on the far right. Big glasses were IN. This was taken in 1986. I actually sewed back then. I'd made all of my clothes (not that drape thingy over my lap) and Karen and Kristine's dresses.
October of 1993 - Karen hates this photo... sorry, Karen! Not only how she looked in it but that they always seemed to have her putting her hand on someone to pose. We've sure gotten decrepit over the years while the kids get better. ;-) Left to Right: Karen in her huge and hated glasses, Michael in back, Ron in front, Robert back, Kathy with Lynda on her lap, Kristine in back (not wearing fuchsia) and Diane on the right.
This is a more recent older photo, taken near Christmas of 2002. With so many famiy changes we really need to get a new photo taken, but it becomes more difficult with each year. My mother was still alive at the time of this picture and passed away in August of 2006. Very Front Left to Right: Robert and Rachel Miller, back to back, Diane Miller in black. Middle Row Left to Right: Lynda Miller, Amber Miller (Michael's wife), Grandpa Burt Parker, Karen Miller in lavender. Back Row Left to Right: Michael Miller holding little Adrienne, Grandma Arline Parker (Kathy's mother), Kathy and Ron Miller, Kristine in fuchsia.
Michael finished his engineering degree in May of 2006! He was so glad to have that completed and even managed to be on the Dean's List for some of that time. He now works at the the local Naval Shipyard, following his father and two grandfathers. He seems to be enjoying it more as time goes on... depending on the day. Amber has continued her college education on and off but is busier and busier with their growing family. Their two daughters, Adrienne and Colette are shooting up like weeds! On November 8th of 2007 (which happened to be my mother's birthday... she'd passed the summer before)... little Edward Miller joined their ranks. He looks a lot like Adrienne, except he has a perpetually furrowed brow when he's thinking (which seems to be often... he came into the world looking that way). The girls love their little brother. Their family finally finished their house and moved there in 2008. There is still finish work to be done and he'll be picking away at those things for quite awhile. He also loves to customize cars and has inherited his father's tendency to collect them. Amber now does a calling I had for about six years... she's the ward bulletin editor. She also leads music in sacrament meeting. Michael has been called to teach a teenage class in Sunday School.
![]() Michael and Amber's Engagement Photo |
![]() Amber and Michael Miller! ... leaving the
temple. |
The Miller Family with the new bride and
groom outside the Seattle LDS Temple. From left to
Michael and Amber with their growing family taken in May of 2005 in our back yard. Colette was worrying about when her next meal was coming. ;-)
Colette and Adrienne, Fall of 2007 on Adrienne's first day of Kindergarten
Adrienne and Colette with their little brother (notice his brow). Beautiful dresses a gift from their Grandma Lybbert. |
Edward Lybbert Miller about 3 days old. Get a load of all that hair. :-) |
Cuddly little Edward with his Grandma Miller. :-) |
Edward with Grandpa Miller |
![]() This is a photo of Robert taking pictures at Kristine's wedding. Since January of 2006, Robert has been working as the website administrator for the Issaquah School District. This position also provides him teaching opportunities from time to time... teaching staff to use their web software, helping kids with computer based art or web management programs... that sort of thing. Their family has relocated to Enumclaw and are enjoying the more rural surrounds. They finally added four chickens to their family this spring and are now enjoying fresh eggs. Lots of research and anticipation went into that venture and Robert is definitely a "mother hen" in his off hours. ;-) They don't eat meat... so these chickens should have long, happy lives. ;-) |
Robert and Rachel Miller emerging from the Seattle LDS Temple. Rachel is busy with little Charlotte and Calvin and tries to squeeze in personal time for reading or quilting and needlework when she can. Charlotte is an engaging child and has a sunny disposition. She has been taking dance this past year and loves opportunities to socialize. Calvin is a busy little guy who is talking more and more each time we see them. Time flies! They still have the furry feline members of their family, Wallace and Gromit. |
Boy... this picture looks huge! This was taken at the buffet where we ate after the wedding of Robert and Rachel Miller on June 1, 2002. From left to right: Michael holding Adrienne and Amber to his right, Ron and me (Kathy), Robert and his new bride, Rachel, Kristine and Andy Lester (our former son-in-law), Karen, Diane and Lynda Miller (who has since gotten some dressier shoes!). While laying out these new photos I can't help but notice how sober I look... sleep deprivation contributes to that! (Also a missing tooth I was not anxious to expose with a wide grin... that's been remedied!) |
Wallace & Gromit taking a cat nap! :-) Aren't they sweet? |
Calvin Miller - 6 months old
Charlotte and Calvin in their Halloween Costumes - 2007 |
Robert with Charlotte, Fall of 2009.
Rachel, Charlotte, Robert and Calvin, taking in the Zoo Lights, Christmas of 2008. |
Chickens in the spring of 2009 ... getting old enough to roam in the back yard.
Miller Grandchildren at Ensign Ranch, August 2009 ... Calvin, Edward, Charlotte and Colette.
Colette and Charlotte at Christmas of 2009.
Christmas 2009 - my sister, Linda with Robert's family |
Here is Calvin meeting his new cousin, with Uncle Alex looking on. |
Kristine with Alex Booth, engaged - November 2007 |
This was one of my favorite photos from their wedding day.
Kristine with her aging and tired parents (but very happy) - December 2007
September 25, 2009 - brand new Robert Alexander Booth. When I got back to the hotel after the first full day in Edinburgh, I checked Kristine's blog on the lobby computer and this photo was the first thing that loaded. =:o
A nice smile for Mommy. |
Robert Booth around 6 weeks? |
Robert with a quizzical expression
Robert modeling a new hat (January 2010). Not sure how keen he is on it. Looks like a little Ewok. ;-) |
Alex and Robert looking at The Far Side collection. |