Take a Walk Through the Garden: The
Back Yard

We're more in the open now and are entering the back yard. This
was once driveway, and pasture. Beyond the lawn and flowerbeds, we
have a garden spot (which is fenced) a corral and loafing shed (which
once housed various horses and cattle), and a playhouse for the kids
(which their paranoia about earwigs prevents them from using). The
compost pile and trampoline are there also and we now have some
Douglas Firs to provide a screen between us and some of the utility
area. For now, let's concentrate on the flowerbeds near the alley
path. If you look to the right (West) you will see roses planted
along the back of the house. They get lots of sun here and I could
fence them off from the deer. Years ago they were planted along the
roadside edge of the orchard, but when the fence came down due to old
age, the roses were vulnerable to browse. We moved bushes that were
about eight years old and didn't lose any of the transplanted
specimens. I had purchased some favorite varieties from Fred Edmunds
Roses that I didn't know if I could replace. One of those is R.
'Typhoo Tea' which is listed as a hybrid tea, but it's just HUGE. It
grows to be about 8' high (no kidding) and I have to stand on my
tiptoes at the end of the season to cut the best ones (yes...I DO
prune). It has one of the best smells of any roses I have...even
rivaling 'Fragrant Cloud' which is another favorite. The smell of
'Typhoo Tea' is more fruity and very strong.
The bed shown below masked the ugly deer fence and gave me an
excuse to get more perennials. It's gotten away from me a bit, but
not too much and it will be the next one I tackle this spring. When
this photo was taken, it had a lot of Shirley poppies coming up
amongst the perennials, but they aren't very prevalent now since the
other plants shade out the ground (not to mention the weeds!). The
daylilies in the foreground were a gift from a friend (no longer with
us...thank you, Mildred) and are 'Hyperion.' In the background are
Achillea 'Summer Pastels.' In the front, if you look closely, you can
see Penstemon 'Midnight' which seems to be reliably hardy for me. I
have very sandy soil on this place and anything that needs good
drainage in the winter does well. I have to struggle with the
moisture lovers though...like astilbe and primroses. I have some, but
they are far from glorious!
![[Rose Frontal Bed]](images/Rose%20Frontal.JPEG)
The "Rose Frontal" bed. It helps to mask the ugly green
fence we erected in order to grow roses. (Interesting story
there...when I pounded in the last fence post, I just
happened to hit the ONE water pipe running from the house to
the back corral. A mini-geyser and panic ensued!) The deer
haven't tried to leap in even though the fence is low,
because it is too close to the house. They will wade into
the bed and eat what hangs over, however.
This is a photo of a bud on the David Austin rose,
'Gertrude Jekyll.' I had to have one because of the
extraordinary old-rose fragrance. It's still growing in a
large pot on the deck until I figure out a place to put it
where the deer won't munch on it. If you think this photo
looks better than the others, it's because Robert took it
with his wonderful camera (and his better skill).
Turning around and looking behind us, we see the Oak Bed. I wanted to
have red plants in the landscape and this seemed like the place.
There is a row of Barberries (Berberis thunbergii atropurpurea)
against the south side of the carport at the top of this sloping bed.
They have become more shaded as the oak has gained in stature, but
limbing it up has helped. They still look nice, but the leaves will
not have as much purple color if they don't receive enough light. In
front of them and in a more shaded part of the bed is a new grouping
of Helleborus seedlings which will probably be heavy on burgundy
shades. They were gathered from under the Styrax tree I showed on the
Seasonal page. It is in the east and south portions of this bed that
I have most of the sun-loving perennials that you see below. It has a
lot of hot colors in it during the early summer, tempered by
bluish-violet shaded flowers of things like catmint (Nepeta
'Six-Hills Giant'), Salvia superba 'East Friesland', Globe Thistle
(Echinops ritro), Hardy Geraniums, Caryopteris, Brodiaea, and
Buddleia. A bit of mauvey-pink has crept in from incessantly seeding
Geranium 'Claridge Druce.' I just hauled a wheelbarrow load of lusty
plants out of there, but there are more to come. They were getting
too greedy. One area of the bed has some deep pinks and cerises mixed
in with the cooler reds. It's kind of tapestry-like and I like its
slightly clashy quality. I will probably post photos of that spot
later in the year.
![[Red Iris...probably 'Samurai Warrior']](images/IrisRed.JPG)
A beautiful red bearded iris growing in the "Oak Bed."
It's probably 'Samurai Warrior.' It sure looks good with
back-lighting. The gray plant behind it is Artemisia
'Lambrook Silver,' probably my favorite artemisia...even
more than A. 'Powis Castle.' It gave me great service for
about four years or more and finally bit it this past
season. I'll be looking for another (should have taken
cuttings!). The Japanese Blood Grass to the left is just
starting to color. See it later in the season below.
![[Oak Bed Group]](images/OakBed.JPG)
Swallowtail Butterfly on Buddleia 'Petite Indigo,' a
prolific bloomer that isn't too tall (and has a wonderful
root beer fragrance, to my nose).
The grouping above is one of my favorites and is in the Oak Bed. I
can't recommend oak trees enough when it comes to planting a
perennial bed under a deciduous tree. We have limbed this up over the
years enough that it lets in a lot of indirect light for the plants
underneath. The bright red-orange blooms above belong to Crocosmia
'Lucifer' which is often sold as a perennial, although it is actually
a corm. It will slowly spread but is not as invasive as its orangey
cousin, Crocosmia crocosmiiflora which is quite common and
old-fashioned, but always appealing. Notice the buddleia flower in
the foreground. The bush anchors the corner of this bed where it
borders the lawn on two sides. The palmate leaves of a soft sage
green that you see in the lower right corner belong to Melianthus
major. It is a tender plant, but so far has come back each year for
me. Some say it smells like peanut butter when crushed (and it does)
but I like the smell of peanut butter just a bit better!
The picture below shows the Japanese Bloodgrass (Imperata
cylindrica rubra) in its glory with back-lighting. The fuchsia to its
left is 'Santa Claus' and on the far left is the Chocolate Cosmos
(Cosmos atrosanguineus) which is quite unreliable, but always worth
replanting for its "hot chocolate" fragrance (and people aren't
kidding about that!). The blue flowers are Caryopteris x clandonensis
which is a small shrubby thing which blooms in late summer.
I toyed around with hybridizing daylilies one year and
this was one of the babies. Every blossom didn't look this
pretty and it won't set the market on fire (have you seen
the stuff they're turning out these days?) but it's mine and
I enjoyed the anticipation of waiting for the buds to open.
This cross is 'Wally Nance III' (red) with 'Prairie
Moonlight' (huge soft yellow) and the offspring were all red
leaning toward burgundy with various yellow markings in the
throats and midribs.
As we walk toward the back yard from the Oak Bed, we come to what I
call the "Ash Bed." There is an ash tree growing to the left of the
photo below. This bed is comprised mainly of yellows, violets, creams
and touches of orange and apricot. Right now it is in dire need of
rework but will hopefully be beautiful again. It's not as bad as the
area by the arbor I've complained about! Also in this bed and seen at
the left is a low shrub/tree called Leycesteria formosa. You can find
that at the nursery now, but I grew mine from seed ordered from
Thompson and Morgan. It has clusters of interesting claret colored
flowers (it's actually the bracts that have the color...the flowers
are rather insignificant) in the late summer that produce soft
squishy berries. Ann Lovejoy wrote that they smelled like slightly
scorched homemade butterscotch candy (and she's exactly right). Funny
how plants can smell so much like other things and it can sometimes
take a long time for you to put your finger on it. I have an aster
just beyond this bed that blooms in the late summer/early fall. It is
called 'Monte Casino' and you can buy sprays of it when you get
flowers from the florist. The smell always reminded me of something
but I couldn't place it for a long time (it's not a wonderful
smell...but not exactly stinky either). Finally I realized that it
smelled just like soiled newborn baby diapers! Sorry to gross you out
here...but they really did! I've had six kids, so that smell was very
familiar to me......MOVING ON...
A planting in the "Ash Bed" in May. Pictured are Achillea
'Coronation Gold,' Salvia superba 'East Friesland,' catmint,
Shasta Daisies and Madonna lilies (white in right
The same bed seen a few weeks later. The soft cream lily
featured here is called 'Sweet Surrender.'
We are now proceeding around the western edge of the back yard and
will see a few things of worth and kind of AHEM...skip over the wild
portion. I've included a "before" picture of that spot here in hopes
that I can post an improved "after" shot later in the season. This
was snapped during the third week of March '98 . I wanted to add it
as a reality check. No one has a garden that stays looking nice
without having to deal with weeds. One or two off seasons (which
shoulder problems certainly created for me) and you can be looking at
this! The pathway that is covered in grass was actually part of what
was weeded last year, but it never got bark on it and all the grass
came back (from seed, no less!). Depressing. Anyway...let's look at a
few of the nicer portions of this bed, but there's really too much to
show now. I've overdone the photos already.
This oriental lily was purchased at the Northwest Flower
and Garden Show in 1997. It is called 'Egypt' and it
certainly is delicate and beautiful. The Baby's Breath near
it is a soft pink variety which I believe is Gypsophila
'Viette's Dwarf Pink. ' It has been one of my favorites and
has been very reliable. My very favorite Baby's Breath is G.
'Compacta Plena' and it is not only prolific, low and tidy,
but it comes back reliably when some others don't.
![[Lily 'Unique']](images/LilyUnique.JPG)
This is such a breathtaking lily...it is aptly named,
'Unique.' The wonderful cerise blooms behind it belong to
Penstemon 'Garnet' which I can't recommend enough (remember
however, that I live in Zone 8). It's a wonderful color and
of the penstemons, seems to be reliably hardy here (more
than I can say for some others). I loved how the penstemon
picked up the color of the nectaries on the lily. I can't
tell you how many times I would stand in front of this in
This photo is featured at the top of the perennials page,
but I thought it bore repeating here. The Hosta was grown
from open pollenated seed off a H. 'Frances Williams'
(variegated sieboldiana type). Its leaves are quite pretty
and I like the cupping habit and lighter edge they have, as
well as the nice puckered blue color. As I recall the hardy
geranium next to it was tagged as 'Johnson's Blue' but I
believe it is actually G. grandiflorum. It's identical to
another G. grandiflorum I'd purchased and this doesn't look
like pictures of 'Johnson's Blue' or another plant I
purchased as such. At any rate...it's a nice plant which
colonizes slowly and will seed itself in a modest fashion.
The azalea behind (in bud) is 'Rosebud.' That other
interesting plant is a weed that I failed to pull before
snapping the photo (epilobium of some kind?)...maybe it
actually lends something of interest to the whole group!
![[Clematis 'Lasursturn']](images/Cl.Lasurst.JPG)
Clematis 'Lasursturn.' Gorgeous, but still struggling in
my yard. This is planted near the arbor in the back, but
with everything else around it gaining , I don't know if
it's still hanging in or not!
![[West Perennial Bed '91]](images/PerennBed91.JPEG)
This was the "West Perennial" bed in 1991, when it was
pretty and had very little weeds in it. That little person
sitting on the path is Lynda. You can see behind her that I
was already assaulting the lawn and bringing the front of
the flowerbed out farther from the original line. Plant
fever had set in! I hate to spoil the romance, but that
thing lying over the path is a temporary cover to the septic
tank...just one of life's unpleasant realities.
This was taken (looking toward the deck...see our little
ladder? We have steps and a railing now!) in about June of
1992. The plants were getting much more established and the
weeds were creeping in! The tree in the center is the Styrax
japonica that has hellebores growing underneath.
We've just taken off our blinders after walking through the
degenerated "Perennial Bed" and are now on our way to the area that
is west of the deck, beyond the Styrax japonica., but before we do
that, we need to stop and take in one more shot. The photo below was
taken near the wild zone a few years ago before it was wild. This
rose is growing to the right of the path.
The plants here are Sedum 'Autumn Joy,' before the joy
sets in (it still looks like broccoli) and Rosa 'Amber
Queen.' I couldn't resist snapping this when I saw that I
was getting two for the price of one. I've always had a love
affair with little tree frogs and used to spend hours trying
to catch them at the golf course canal near where I grew up
(on Erland's Point, for those who might be local). They
almost all escaped...no fear.
This is a Kniphofia hybrid (Red Hot Poker) which is
unnamed. It grows in the bed West of our deck where it gets
quite hot on summer afternoons. The hummingbirds LOVE this
plant. I finally resorted to Mediterranean plants here such
as Euphorbia, lavender, and Cistus (I think they are
Mediterranean...they certainly are heat tolerant.) I really
love that bed. Some of the other plants are a few lilies and
daylilies, some bronze fennel, bronze sedge and catmint.
It's a different color mix with the green flowers of the
Euphorbia (background), but I find it refreshing. Some
clumps of Blue Oat Grass in the foreground cool it off a
If you're not too tired, there's a little
bit more...
- ©Unless otherwise specified, all
materials and photos on this website
are the property of Kathy Miller and are not to be used for web or
commercial purposes without permission. If you want to print out
the site for personal reference or use photo images on greeting
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perfectly okay with me!
- Olympic Views logo designed by our
son, Robert Miller.