Special Interest
- Alpine
Garden and Rock Garden Resource
- American
Primrose Society (Primulas)
- Bird
Watching Forum (Garden Web)
- The Bonsai
- Butterfly
- Chinese
Tree Peony Website
- Colourful
- Cornell
Floriculture & Ornamental Horticulture
- Creative
Gardener - An inspiration for the
gardener who wants to design with color and texture in
- Deerbusters
- Is an extensive wildlife control
solutions and gardening specialty page.
- Drought
Tolerant Plants (Some for Zone 9)
- Elisabeth
C. Miller Library
- GardenWeb
- Garden
Web Book
Review Forum
- Garden
Web Northwestern
Gardening Forum
- Garden
Web Forum: Perennials
- Ground
Covers and Cover Crops (A guide from
About.com) -
- Houpt
Hosta Habit
- Hobbs Farm and
Greenery - Geraniums and plants.
- How to Care For
House Plants - Over 3,400 listings
each displaying a page of care information, with
- Hummingbirds!
- Irises
- Jack
Christensen's Practical Rose-Growing Tips
- JC
Raulston Arboretum Home Page
- Joy's
Designing Your Dream Garden
- Massachusetts
Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society
- Master
Gardener Home Page
- Merry
Carries a wide selection of plants like ivy hedera helix,
banana trees, tropicals, perennials,herbs, ferns and many
more.They also have informational pages on how to grow
ivy hedera and banana trees.
- Murphy
& Co.: Fish in a Barrel
- Perennial
Plant Association Home Page
- Perennials
Tutorial #101- Getting Started
- Perennial
- Perry's
Perennial Pages
- Pete's Pond
- Rhododendrons
In Our Pacific Northwest Mist
- Rhododendron
Species Foundation: Rhododendron Culture
- Rochester
Gardening Website - Information for
- Northeastern USA gardener, plus
access to plant & garden information worldwide
through lists of more than 2,000 categorized web links.
Special interest area regarding bulbs
- Rose Garden PlantingTips
- Seed
Germination Database
- Sherry's
- Tapestry
Garden Perennials -
- The
Rhododendron Page
- Unfortunate
Rose Names-If you grow roses, this is
a hoot!
- UW
Medicinal Herb Garden Home Page
- Virtual
Cheektowaga!-Lawn Ornament Gallery :)
- Water
Gardening Made Easy
- Welcome
to The Bay Area Gardener
- Yvonne's
Greenhouse - Need inspiration? Check
this out!
- We have eight garden related
websites... all our sites are non-commercial...
- Our sites:
- Container
Gardens: http://www.container-gardens.com
- Description: Container gardening
resource site. Find out about
- container selection, proper soil, and
designing your container garden.
- Fragrant
Gardens: http://www.fragrant-gardens.com
- Description: In-depth information on
plants with a nice fragrance.
- Fragrant Gardens will help you, after
all, fragrant gardens are more
- than just roses!
- Garden
Ideas: http://www.garden-ideas.com
- Description: Overview of eight common
garden projects. Garden ideas
- helps you break through the creative
logjam and gives you some great
- garden design ideas.
- Garden
Soil: http://www.garden-soil.com
- Description: The one thing all
successful gardens have in common is
- good soil. Learn about the components
of garden soil and how you can
- improve yours. Covers mulch as
- Gardening
With Kids:
- Description: Help children develop a
lifetime passion for gardening by
- starting them young. Childrens
gardening is a great way to help them
- learn life's lessons.
- Common
Garden Pests:
- Description: Help identify, control,
and eliminate the most common of
- the garden pests. Dont let
these uninvited garden pests harm your
- garden.
- Garden
Equipment: http://www.garden-equipment.com
- Description: Detailed information on
common lawn and garden equipment.
- Make informed decisions on which
tools to use and when.
- House
Plants: http://www.house-plants.info
- Description: Resource of information
concerning common house plants.
- Includes information on lighting,
soil, and a list of the easiest house
- plants to grow.
![[Flowers in Cart]](images/FlowersCart.gif)