![[Gladiola with Agapanthus]](august/Glad%26Agap.JPEG)
Alas, this Gladiola is about gone now, but wasn't
it beautiful? I showed it in its early stages on the July
page. The blue flowers to the right are Agapanthus
'Headbourne Hybrids.' They are hardier than the common
Agapanthus, although we can usually grow those as well. To
the left of the Gladiola are a few sprays from a volunteer
Eryngium planum. They make great cutting flowers with
their silvery stems and prickly silver-blue flower heads.
You can't tell from this picture, but the flowers on the
Cardoon were over my head. This one is nestled in the
leaves of a Eucalyptus gunnii. The Eucalyptus needs
severe pruning each year in order to keep producing round
juvenile leaves. These leaves are halfway between being
juvenile and reverting to adult shape. Time to sharpen up
the pruners!
On a recent trip to Eagle Hardware with my family to get
a new shower for the basement, I spied these displayed out
front. I miss having Echinacea purpurea (Purple
Coneflower) in the yard, so bought three plants
('Magnus'). Each one has a bit of variation in the
flowers. The one to the left drooped and another one not
shown had narrower petals than the one at right, but three
times as many. You wouldn't think the colors would work, but
there are so many clever things you can do in your color
schemes with this combination of mauve-rose and bronze (the
cones). Now I just need to think of one!