The Seasonal
Summer is Ushered
Many of these photos were taken last season, or possibly a couple
of years ago. This year, I do have bearded iris in bloom, but not all
the varieties seen here have buds this season. Hopefully, after
reworking the beds, I'll see a return of flowers on them. As I get
more photos, or better ones, I'll add them. By the way...the photo in
the title is of Iris tenax (Pacific Coast).
![[Back Yard with Iris]](Iris/BackYdIris.JPEG)
The color on this photo isn't the best, but it shows a
grouping of Iris 'Victoria Falls' and 'Vanity'
(light pink). 'Victoria Falls' is a wonderful variety and
will sometimes throw a bloom in the autumn. I'll probably
have a better picture from this season soon. 'Vanity' is one
of the parents of 'Beverly Sills', which gets more attention
these days, but I prefer the softer color and fragrance of
'Vanity.' I wish I had a better closeup of this one, but
that may have to wait until next season.
![[Iris 'Vanity']](Iris/IrisVanity.JPEG)
Addendum: Look what I found in the garden "photo
archives!" This is a close-up of Iris 'Vanity' that
does it justice. The only thing missing is its wonderful
fragrance. It is one of the best varieties for that and it
also has a great delicate pink color...cooler than 'Beverly
Sills,' which is one of its offspring. Sure wish it would
bloom in 1998!
Here's a closeup of 'Victoria Falls' that has been
doctored in Photoshop. It probably has a breath more violet
in the flower than this depicts, but it comes close. The
color is really hard to capture on film without using
![[Foxgloves, etc.]](Iris/Foxglove.JPEG)
This was taken a couple of seasons ago. The foxglove is a
variety called 'Sutton's Apricot' and it is a really
nice color. I have plants growing in this same spot now that
haven't opened yet. I hope there are progeny from these and
not just the regular foxglove. Even some hybrids might be
interesting! If you grow foxglove, you probably already know
this, but if you are striving for white and not the
mauvey-pink ones, you can tell before they bloom if they'll
be white or not. White foxgloves don't have any mauvey
coloring on the midribs of the leaves. The leaves are pure
green. This allows you to weed out the darker colors before
they cross with your white strain.
The coral blossoms in the background belong to Azalea
'Pima' and the blue spikes are lupine.
I inserted a couple of Daphnes here because they didn't get into
the Spring pages. I only wish I could also insert the smell. When the
Internet gets so sophisticated as to be able to do that, we may not
need to garden anymore! (Just kidding...we all know it isn't
the same.)
This lovely poof of blush white belongs to Daphne
burkwoodii 'Somerset.' It is growing in the back bed in
front of the area shown above with the foxgloves and azalea.
The color is so ethereal and the fragrance sweet and lovely
without being overpowering. It is a semi-evergreen shrub and
doesn't like disturbance...like most Daphnes. It should grow
in zones 5-9.
![[Daphne cneorum]](Iris/Daphcneorum.JPEG)
This isn't the most flattering picture of Daphne
cneorum, but it gives you an idea. In reality, the
leaves are a darker green and the flowers not as intensely
clashy looking...just bright and FRAGRANT! It tends to hug
the ground and is a bit fussy about its placement. When we'd
get a shipment of these in bloom at the nursery, they would
be gone in a few days. The fragrance is almost
Wish I had the liberty of lying on my back in this bed
and taking a photo looking UP into the flowers instead of at
their backsides (don't think the plants would appreciate
that!). This is a columbine that I got from my
neighbor who has them sprinkled around her yard. It looks
similar to 'Hensol Harebell' and has a nice form and color.
This season ('98) it is still blooming and is larger than
shown in this photo. The foliage next to it on the left
belongs to Cardoon.
Let's take a look at a few iris now.
Meet 'Exotic Isle.' This plant is very showy and a
prolific bloomer. I don't expect flowers this season because
it is a total weed and grass jungle where this is growing.
This is very striking blooming in front of the
rhododendrons. That blurry pink mass in the background
belongs to Rhododendron 'Scintillation.' Hopefully, I'll
have flowers on 'Exotic Isle' again in two seasons after
reworking the bed. I'm still working my way slowly in that
![[Iris 'Darkside']](Iris/IrisDarkside.JPEG)
Another prolific bloomer and a plant with lots of vigor
is 'Darkside.' It's difficult to capture this color
on film, but I think this picture is the closest I've taken
(with some sidelighting to show that it really is
purple, not black). Some people shy away from iris in the
"black" shades, but I've really enjoyed this plant. It's
quite striking.
This is an intermediate variety called 'Pink
Bubbles' and it was purchased from Schreiner's Iris
Gardens in Oregon. It is lovely...especially with the
foliage of Rose Campion (Lychnis coronaria) in the
background. There are no blooms this season, but trust that
I'll see some next year.
This is shown on the garden tour, but I repeated it here.
I don't know the name of the iris variety, but it is a very
old one that I've seen in older gardens around town. It
smells just like grape Kool-Aid to me. The yellow flowers
nearby belong to Meconopsis cambrica (Welsh Poppy) and the
blue flowers are Forget-Me-Nots. These all like it in a
shady environment (except the iris that needs at least a
half day of sun, which these still get even though the tree
branches are spreading more each season).
Even when the blossoms are closed (they open during the
daylight hours) these are charming! They belong to
Ixia, a plant that grows from small corms. They seem
to do well in this southern exposure in the oak bed and
mingle nicely with the bearded iris that grow in front. I
will probably have another picture of these soon showing
bearded iris in front.
The color of this is a bit odd, but the flowers are HUGE
and it is a very dependable bloomer. The name is 'Camelot
Rose.' Pictured behind is a hardy Geranium ibericum x
platypetalum. The Ixia pictured above would be seen to the
left if you could pull back for a wider perspective.
Another odd color, but I like it. This is a smaller
variety called 'Chinese Treasure.' I haven't seen it
bloom for awhile and hope that at least one of the budless
fans growing in this area belong to this variety. When I
first put it in, there was a reddish-orange Potentilla
growing nearby and it perfectly echoed the color of those
shocking orange beards. The Potentilla has been gone for a
few years now...progress and change.
Here's a change of pace, but since it's still blooming
I'm repeating this photo from the spring page. This little
ensemble is near the front porch and consists of Carex
'Frosty Curls,' a little volunteer viola and
Ajuga 'Pink-Silver.' I love this accident!
This beautiful red color belongs to Iris 'Samurai
Warrior' and it struts its stuff in the oak bed. I
especially like the red varieties with backlighting.
Here's a repeat of the Iris setosa shown on the
tour page. Its companion with more white on the petals seems
to have vanished over the winter ('97). I'm still hoping to
find a remnant of it somewhere, but am beginning to think
something got it.
![[Iris 'Chief Quinaby']](Iris/IrisChiefQuinaby.JPEG)
Just in front of 'Samurai Warrior' is another softer red
with a bit more bronze to it... 'Chief Quinaby.' This
came in an iris grab bag from Schreiner's Iris Gardens in
Salem, Oregon. This picture is a little fuzzy, but the color
is right. It's shorter than 'Samurai Warrior.'
![[Clump of Siberian Iris 'Bennerup']](Iris/IrisBennGrp.JPEG)
The photos above are Siberian Iris, 'Bennerup.' It is a
lighter blue color and has a nice white edge on the falls. I moved it
to a frontal position in the back last year because it tends to be
shorter than some of the other Siberian Irises. Some of the
background greenery in the '98 photo at left is not supposed to be
there and will shortly be history!
previous ones were also.)
![[Iris 'Gypsy Woman']](Iris/IrisGypsyWoman.JPEG)
The bright sun makes this a bit contrasty, but this is a
picture of Iris 'Gypsy Woman.' I was rather surprised
to see it in bloom since it is getting crowded by weeds and
there are very few fans to this clump. The leaves
surrounding it belong to a Mock Orange (Philadelphus) that
is yet to bloom. 'Gypsy Woman' is one of those soft colors
that is a blend of cream, lemon and mauve (the nice edge on
the falls).
From the bright sunshine, we'll step into the shade for a
bit of 'Mulled Wine' ...IRIS that is! I kind of like
these wine/mauve shades with the orange beards for some
reason. I think I'll have to pull it out of the shadows of
that vine maple to get more flowers in the future. Those
other blobs of color belong to Ixia.
![[Iris 'SnowMound']](Iris/IrisSnowMound.JPEG)
This is a beautiful color combination and it belongs to
Iris 'Snow Mound.' It is growing near the cherry tree
by the driveway and those other flowers nearby are old
fashioned Columbine (Granny's Bonnets). Would you believe
that a deer came along a day or so before this writing and
ate all the flowers off the tops of those plants (the
columbine). They don't usually eat those and even browsed
some of the new shoots off the blueberry bush next to them.
What's wrong with these guys? Don't they know what they are
supposed to like?!!
Just in front of 'Mulled Wine' is this variety that looks
a bit similar but in a lighter color. It is called
'Strawberry Sensation' and I think I got it years ago
from Schreiner's Iris Gardens. It could use some TLC because
it is not blooming as well now as in the beginning, but when
it has proper care it is a prolific bloomer and quick
multiplier. In the flesh, the color is slightly more
subdued with a tinge of a brownish cast.
This is a volunteer lupine that is probably a bit
of a cross between a Russell Hybrid and the native lupines.
I had both in this bed. It's a nice rich color (in person)
and will be lovely until the leaves begin to mildew later in
the summer. Yuck! The flowers to the right belong to a
volunteer columbine.
![[Pink Gasplant...Dictamnus albus var. purpureus]](Iris/GasPlant.JPEG)
These are the flower spikes of the pink gasplant,
Dictamnus albus var. purpureus. I had a white
gasplant at one time but it died. This pink one has grown
very slowly to this size. Even after the flowers are gone,
the seedpods open to form little starry shapes along the
stem. As I recall, the flower stalks have a sticky substance
on them that smells of lemon. The iris in the background is
'Camelot Rose.'
Here's a photo of Syringa meyeri 'Palabin.' It is
a nice alternative to regular lilacs that can get diseased
and sucker all over the place. This shrub grows slowly to
about 5 feet and flowers a bit later (although it's finished
as of the end of May). The flowers have a wonderful sweet
smell, but in my opinion, not quite as great as the regular
lilac. It is very floriferous and well-mannered.
This has to be my all-time favorite rose climber!
Hallelujah! for Climbing 'Handel.' (I couldn't
resist.) See how nice the foliage is and the beautiful
coloration of the flowers? You can train this like a regular
climber or just let it get really tall like a pillar and
it's still gorgeous. The flowers don't have a lot of
fragrance, but no one is perfect! If you can't find this at
a regular nursery, you can probably still mail-order it from
Fred Edmunds
Roses in Wilsonville, Oregon.
![[Iris 'Lady Madonna']](Iris/IrisLadyMadonna.JPEG)
I feel a poem coming on...maybe "Leaves of Grass" by W.
Whitman (who shares my birthday, by the way)?! Just kidding.
I was stunned to see this blooming in the jungle that used
to be called the West Perennial Bed. The name of the Iris is
'Lady Madonna' and I think I first read about it in
Ann Lovejoy's first book, The Year in Bloom. If I
remember correctly, she would get these pinched (stolen) as
soon as they opened in her city garden in Seattle. They are
lovely with the blend of cream and yellow and the frilled
edge on the petals. I can't even remember when I last saw
this bloom and just assumed that it had died. When I rework
the bed, maybe I'll be delighted to find more survivors of
the iris that had originally been set there. I'd love to
find 'Vivian' and 'Magic Man."
This old standby is Iris sibirica 'Caesar's
Brother.' Siberian irises are workhorses in the
perennial border and this is their time to shine. Behind
them are flowerheads (buds) of Achillea 'Coronation Gold'
and the trunk of the ash tree that gives this bed it's name
(I dub thee...the "ash bed."). The sun was going down when I
took the picture and then I went back to weeding until it
was getting more toward dusk. Imagine my amazement when I
turned around to see the sunset below...
![[Sunset - May'98]](Iris/SunsetMay'98.JPEG)
Sometimes I think it's worth taking the camera outside to
work just like you would your gloves and pruners (I've been
teased about wearing my pruners in a holster on my back
pocket, but they are SO handy. This was a habit we had to
develop at the nursery and our boss would ask us every once
in awhile if we had them or why we didn't have them
when we were borrowing someone else's!)
![[Hardy Geranium 'New Hampshire']](Iris/GerNewHampshire.JPEG)
What a strong color! You either love this or hate it, but
it belongs to Geranium 'New Hampshire' which is a
selection of Geranium sanguineum that many feel is an
improvement on the species.
There's not a lot of color yet, but I put this here for
comparison. If you looked at the earlier photo of this bed
when I was showing the hellebore foliage in the garden
journal section, you will see how much everything has grown!
You can hardly see the hellebores at this point. My daughter
asked me, "...when did all those plants get there?" I tried
to explain that they had been there all along and had just
been dormant in the winter. The spiky foliage on the left
belongs to Crocosmia 'Lucifer.' The big clump with flowering
stalks (unopened) to the far right is a goatsbeard that is
finally getting full-sized this season! It is humongous! I'm
afraid that after it blooms, a rainfall will bring those
plumes down all over everything around it!
![[Unknown Old Variety of Iris]](Iris/IrisUnknown.JPEG)
This is a rather harsh color, but I still keep it because
it was a gift from a friend, it has a nice fragrance, and is
an old variety. At the time, they thought it was 'Lincoln'
but I'm not sure about the name at all and it was a
different variety than what they thought they'd passed
along. If anyone knows what it is, email
me. Without the sun on it and in person, it is a bit
Enough color for a bit! Let's look at some seeds and
As if the gorgeous flowers on the tree peony are
not enough, the seed heads are quite interesting and stay
that way even through the winter. Another bonus is that the
foliage turns beautiful shades of red in the fall. There is
a lot to recommend this plant, but you need to be patient
because, like all peonies, it takes a few years to really
get established. I haven't done as much for this plant as I
could, but there was careful and deep soil preparation when
it was planted (and as I recall, it was planted quite deep).
It's always worth investing a bit of time when you first put
things in ...make a large enough hole and put organics into
the surrounding soil before replacing it.
![[Pulsatilla seedheads]](Iris/PulsatillaSeedheads.JPEG)
Aren't these fun? This is a Pulsatilla vulgaris
with its attractive seed heads. I prefer the purple
varieties over this white one because of the mauve tinges in
their little puffballs, but this produced a better photo.
Notice that the head toward the center top is whiter than
the others? It is about ready to shed its fuzz. I was
suprised how willing these have been to naturalize in this
bed. It has quick drainage and a southern exposure. I
haven't gotten any white babies or hybrids yet...just
I absolutely love this subshrub! I had seen a photo of
Dorycnium hirsutum in Perennials for American
Gardens by Clausen and Ekstrom and when I had the lovely
position of ordering perennials for the nursery where I
worked, I got a flat of them (and then tried to extol their
virtues to the customers). They didn't move right away,
since they don't make a tremendous impact in a four-inch
pot, but by summer, they were gone. I hope they have enjoyed
theirs as much as I've loved this. It has gotten quite tall
since it was planted and now that little volunteer seedlings
have appeared in the surrounding weeded bed, I'll
take the risk of severely cutting it back after these
flowers are gone. The seedpods are quite attractive later in
the season and become a noticeable red color. The small
pea-like blossoms are much loved by bumblebees.
On to a few of the hotter colors of early summer...
![[Lemon Daylilies]](Iris/LemonDaylilies.JPEG)
This happy group is Hemerocallis flava, or more recently
called Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus. Anyone who has
grown it or seen it over the past century all over this
country calls it Lemon Lily or Lemon Daylily. I got
the start of these from my husband's childhood farm home in
Idaho and brought them back with us in a plastic milk-carton
with a little dirt in it. We had to take it along in the car
for about a week before I got them home and situated in the
garden. They are easy to grow and tend to colonize and
spread by runners, so use them where this will work to your
advantage and not cause problems with more restrained
neighbors. Something you can't appreciate by this picture is
their wonderful fragrance.
This is a small plant and not the best picture, but it
was one of the new purchases in May of '98 from Heronswood
Nursery in Kingston, WA. I've wanted one ever since seeing
it there a few years ago, but wasn't sure where to put it.
It has gone in the ash bed in place of a Buddleia that never
amounted to much. The plant is Hypericum androsaemum
and it is a relative of St. John's Wort (Aaron's Beard), as
you can see by the shape of the little yellow flowers. Since
putting this in, I've read that it can tend to get rust, so
I have my fingers crossed. In the later summer it will
produce red and black berries where the flowers were and the
foliage has neat russet tints. To pick those up, I also
purchased a Carex buchananii (Bronze Sedge) and put in in
front of this bush (let). I hope they will be happy
What would early sumer be without Oriental
Poppies? I wish I had a photo of a grand clump, but all
my poppies are currently surrounded by a sea of grass and
weeds. There is a beautiful coral pink variety that hasn't
bloomed yet and I hope they are still out there. This one
started as a four-inch pot and I suspect I couldn't get rid
of it if I tried!
Here are a few "stragglers" that were in my old camera (which
doesn't get used as much so I lost track of what was in it).
This just shows you how messed up a camera can get! It
might have been a decent picture except for the fact that
the shroud around the lense got loose and it was aimed at
anything but center! The picture was dark and blurred on the
left, and sharp only to the right of center. Kind of like
life without glasses, if you really need them! (This is the
auto-focus camera that started getting goofy on our trip to
It opens fast and doesn't last a long time, but no
one can argue the beauty of 'Pristine.' The white
flowers have a hint of blush on the outer portions of the
petals. The foliage is clean, glossy and dark green. This
rose is pretty tall, so you might want it toward the back of
your border. The low petal count is an advantage in our wet
cool weather since roses with really high petal counts tend
to ball and get really gross during the rainy season.
![[Rose 'Pristine']](Iris/RosaPristine.JPEG)
This beautiful bloom belongs to a lovely floribunda rose
called 'Irish Mist.' I think it's named after some
sort of hard liquor that was sold in the British Isles. At
any rate, it was around about the time 'Cathedral' was
really big (late 70's or early 80's?) but I really think
this is a prettier rose. If my recollection serves me, this
is a Sam McGredy creation. I purchased it from Fred Edmunds'
Roses in Wilsonville, OR, but I don't know if they propagate
it any longer.

This page last updated on July 2, 1998.