[Rosa 'Michelle Meilland' Center]

Seasonal Page: May 1999



Moist May - Page 3

Now for the last page... YAY!!! The roses begin to come into the fore around the end of the month of May... you'll see a few of those here. The yummy one at the top of the page is an old Francis Meilland hybrid... 'Michelle Meilland.' He's the hybridizer of the famous 'Peace' rose.


[Iris 'Pink Bubbles' with Batchelor Buttons]

A fun intermediate iris called 'Pink Bubbles'. I think I got this from Shreiner's Iris Gardens years ago. Hope it will multiply since this bed was weeded last season.


[Doublefile Viburnum]

In the front yard is the Doublefile Viburnum. It looks even better from a distance when you can appreciate the layered effect of white flowers on green branches.

[Rhododendron decorum and Tree Peony]

Near the Viburnum is this duo of Rhododendron decorum (grown from a seed) and a Tree Piony (bright cerise pink).


[Rhododendron 'Pt. Defiance']

What a TRUSS! I have another photo of this with a lens cap tucked into the flowers for reference... that will be toward the bottom of the page. This is Rhododendron 'Pt. Defiance' ... named after the park in Tacoma, Washington.


[Rhodies under front Birch]

The front yard bed where many rhodies grow under the canopy of this messy Birch tree! The light pink one in the front is 'Van Nes Sensation' and behind it is 'Pink Pearl'.

[Rugosa Snack!]

Karen noticed this poor rose that was blooming out by the mailbox. It is Rosa rugosa. Some critter had a tasty snack when the flower was still in bud. Reminds me of those tests you take in high school where they show you a folded piece of paper and you have to figure out how it would look unfolded after being punched a time or two. How many holes were actually chewed into this bud? Any takers? :-)

[Rosa 'Sunsprite']

A nice fragrant yellow rose... 'Sunsprite'. It makes a beautiful bud, but opens rather quickly. Great dark glossy leaves.


[Iris 'Pink Bubbles']

Here's the intermediate iris, 'Pink Bubbles' again... this time in a trio!

[Iris tenax with Aethionema]

I love this shot! This is a little Iris tenax.. surrounded by the seeding stalks of Aethionema... they look like glorified Shepherd's Purse! ;-)


[Rosa 'Michelle Meilland']

The complete blossom on the 'Michelle Meilland' rose pictured at top.


[Rhodies from Entry May '99]

Terrible picture, but this was what the path near the entry looked like with the rhodies were blooming. To the left of the path is 'Buttermint' and on the right, 'Nancy Evans'. Notice that huge pink truss next to the corner of the house (high)? It's the 'Pt. Defiance' shown at right.

[Rhody with Lens Cap]

You probably can't make it out, but inside that circle is the lens cap from my camera (almost standard lens size). It is much smaller than even ONE floret from this truss!

[Rhododendron 'Isabel Pierce']

On the north side of the house (with the lovely meter box!) is Rhododendron 'Isabel Pierce'. These flowers will fade a lot in the first week after bloom, but the centers will retain that dark blotch.


[Rhododendron 'Fastuosum Plenum']

My folks had one of these blooming along the driveway of my childhood home... it's an old standard and the most common double Rhododendron... 'Fastuosum Plenum' or also called 'Fastuosum Flore Pleno'. I think it's a little less bright than this photo... you can only do so much in Photoshop to tweak sometimes.


[Downy Woodpecker]

Another dark and contrasty photo... but inside this circle is a Downy Woodpecker. He's really done a number on the trunks of this clump birch!


[Rhododendron 'Grosclaude']

Rhododendron 'Grosclaude'.

[Exbury Azalea 'Sylphides'?]

Not positive of the name, but this is an Exbury Azalea which blooms at the end of May and first week of June. I think it might be 'Sylphides' (sp?) but not sure. It smells as yummy as it looks!

This page last updated on June 27, 1999.

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