- "Nothing Gold Can Stay"
This is one of my favorite months...for several reasons. It's the
time when the beautiful and fleeting shades of Autumn mingle with the
colorful perennial flowers that are still, or just blooming. Unlike
the fresh clear colors of Spring, the Fall offers a virtual
horticultural tapestry with saturated warm tones. I love the fact
that the lawn finally greens up after holding its breath during the
months of July and September. I love the fact that it's cool enough
outside to want to grub around in the garden and the soil is moist
enough to allow one to do it! It's a great time for making changes,
moving things around, rethinking your color scheme, etc. In other
words...it's a great time to enjoy another little spurt of gardening
energy before being sent to your "room." (Or house, or whatever.)
I'm starting this page off with a lovely poem:
- Nature's first green is gold,
- Her hardest hue to hold.
- Her early leaf's a flower;
- But only so an hour.
- Then leaf subsides to leaf.
- So Eden sank to grief,
- So dawn goes down to day.
- Nothing gold can stay.
- -Robert Frost

I can't believe I actually paid for this plant to get it
started in the yard! Now it has seeded in many places and
the babies are hard to dig out because of the deep, drought
resistant root system. This plant is Verbascum
chaixii and it comes in white and yellow. If you look
closely, you'll see two small hover flies pollinating the
flowers. I like their cute little fuzzy purple centers (on
the flowers...not the flies!).
![[Tricyrtis hirta]](october/TricyrtisOct.JPEG)
I had a better photo of Tricyrtis hirta from last
month, but this is on the clump that is growing in the White
Bed, near the deck. These are more heavily budded and I
don't know if it's because the variety is slightly different
or because it gets more sun exposure. They are still kind of
fun and weird looking.
At the beginning of October, the Aster ericoides
hybrid in the back yard was still going strong. I haven't
looked lately, but suspect it's beginning to get a bit
tired. The leaves on the Korean Lilac you see here are now a
brighter orange color (they changed from a previous prune
juice brown).
![[Japanese Maple Seeds - Close]](october/MapleWingsCls.JPEG)
Here's a close view of the seeds on Japanese Maple
(Acer palmatum). I just have a garden variety green
type, but it is still beautiful in the Fall and these seeds
are interesting in Autumn flower arrangements.
Discovered in his neighborhood and later introduced to
the trade, this Aster was named for the wife of Allen Lacy,
the garden writer. His books are wonderful! How sweet to
name a flower for his wife when he could have named it after
himself. By the way...the name is Aster 'Hella Lacy.'
Here it is just starting to open.
My sister was really struggling with allergies and found
that CAT was one of her worst. We have since gained another
feline here and his name is "Goofy." He is rather
independent and still hasn't bonded with our two females
(would be surprised if that ever happened, but who knows?)
In personality he reminds me of the male we used to have
that was a sibling to our females...it's just that he
doesn't have the same close ties to us as Max did. He got
his first look at deer this past week, since they come every
day to eat apples from under our trees. I'm not sure what he
thought, but he wasn't taking any chances! He's lived in
Suburbia his whole life until now. He seems to be more
relaxed lately and I think he will come to like the
place...in spite of the other kitties!
This is our little pumpkin harvest. Considering the care
they sometimes received, we are actually pleased we got any!
They were growing on the outer fringes of the sprinkled area
and sometimes didn't get as much water as they could have
used. The white one was set out late and I didn't expect to
see anything from it. If it had been planted sooner and
gotten more water, I suspect they would have been twice this
size, but I haven't grown it before to know what to expect.
![[Our Gourd Harvest]](october/Gourds.JPEG)
Ron and the girls did the vegetable garden this year and
planted a few gourds. This was our harvest. Isn't it
colorful? I guess you can eat those little squashes that
look like pumpkins, but I haven't been hungry enough to try
one. My favorites are the green and yellow ones that look
like someone dipped the bottoms in green-striped paint.
![[Reliable Larkspur]](october/BkLarkspur.JPEG)
A late seeding volunteer Larkspur has added a lot
of color at this late date. I love these and you can always
find room to sandwich them in since their leaves and stems
are so light. I got the original seed from a dear friend
from church ... Mildred, and she has since passed away. I
always think of her when I enjoy the plants she shared with
![[Aster 'Climax']](october/ClimaxOct.JPEG)
This lovely Aster is reputed to be famous in
England, but not as available here. I ordered this one from
Canyon Creek Nursery, as I recall. It's called
'Climax' and is a wonderful color with shiny dark
green leaves. It will stand alone without staking, even with
these big flowerheads.
![[Ampelopsis Berries]](october/AmpelopsisOct.JPEG)
The Ampelopsis vine on the arbor is developing
colored berries now and they will be attractive until they
get frosted into mush. As we get into the latter part of
October, the leaves begin to turn yellow and drop
off...revealing the fruit. There is probably a better photo
of this toward the end of the
Evolution of the Garden page.
This was the view taken from underneath the arbor which
holds the Ampelopsis. The dried stalks in the foreground
belong to Verbascum chaixii (no wonder I have so many
volunteers!). The bluish foliage peeking out toward the
upper right is the Eucalyptus gunnii in the back bed.
The yellow at the center is the Red Maple growing in
the field toward the barn. The huge grass clump to the left
is Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracillimus.' It is about to
be glorious.
My daughter's boyfriend thought this was really a "cool"
picture. I would like it better WITHOUT the car. This is one
of the many that live here (or maybe have "died" here). I am
not getting cooperation in getting the two by the barn
removed and am about to run an ad on the van to whoever
wants to cart it away and pay for the ad! Get a load of
these blackberry vines! They are about to consume the whole
field if we let them. The rainy spring and early summer we
had really was a boon to the many native blackberries. Yow!
Thought we'd step inside for a moment. Here's a
silhouette of our little "Birdy-Bird" (his name didn't
stick) in love with his reflection. This is his favorite
spot to play when he comes out. He climbs onto this shelf
near the receiver and talks to himself!
Winter must be approaching because the leaves of
Cyclamen coum are emerging. This one was called
'Pewter Leaf.' I love the silvery color with the
darker edges. I don't know if you can tell on here, but that
teeny tiny silver leaf in the lower left corner is a baby
plant. The ants will carry the sticky seeds around and
distribute the progeny for you. I am thrilled to see that it
is passing the silver leaf on to the babies. It will take a
few years before we see flowers from them.
![[Fall Color on Blueberries]](october/BBFoliage.JPEG)
Blueberries can hold their own with any ornamental
shrub in the fall when they turn these lovely shades of
red...only Burning Bush (Euonymous) might be a tad bit
![[Doublefile Viburnum and Rhododendron Leaves]](october/VibRhodJB.JPEG)
The leaves of Viburnum plicatum 'Mariesii' are the
thing in the fall...aren't these striking? They especially
look pretty with the foil of a neighboring Rhododendron,
'Johnny Bender.' It has especially attractive foliage as
rhodies go, even during the summer.
![[Close-up of Fall Color on Doublefile Viburnum]](october/DblFlViburn.JPEG)
Here's a better view of the Viburnum leaves...I
love the veining which is more apparent when they turn red.
I usually trim the flowers off the Bronze Fennel
(and did once this season) but these got away from me. I
didn't realize that the seeds have a slight rosy cast when
they are developing. They looked kind of neat with the
backdrop of Cotinus foliage, turning brilliant fall
![[Red Maple]](october/RedMaple.JPEG)
In our lower pasture windbreak there is a small Red
Maple. When we put it there I didn't know if it would
survive, since we don't really water these trees. It blends
in until the fall when it sticks out its tongue at us. I
took this photo from the deck using Robert's telephoto lens.
Here's the van I want to GET RID OF! It doesn't lend much
to the photos, do you think? This was such a pretty day for
working outdoors, and we got a whole week of this gorgeous
weather. Between the wheelbarrow and the flowerbed is a
clump of Scabiosa 'Butterfly Blue' patiently waiting for me
to finish taking pictures and put it back into the ground!
![[Hosta Leaves turning Gold]](october/HostaFall.JPEG)
Some Hostas really put on a spectacle before turning into
a heap of mush. This one is a H. sieboldii seedling
and it grows near our entry walk.
![[Aster 'Hella Lacy' fully opening]](october/AstHLacy2.JPEG)
A beautiful way to finish off page one...Here's Aster
'Hella Lacy' again, only more fully open. It is a strong
and pleasing color. This is growing in the Ash Bed where I
was transplanting the Scabiosa.
Continue to Page

This page last updated on October 23, 1998.