Wow! Is it possible that it's already September? I've been doing this web page stuff for 6 months now. Maybe next season will be easier since there will be old pages to work from and I can make changes and hopefully get some better photos to include. Then again, maybe I'll decide to do things differently next year! Currently, we are having a drought. We usually have a couple months of drought during the period of July to September. The difference this year is that we had sudden hot weather during the drought, so things look a bit roughed up. The weather forecasters have promised rain twice and it has not delivered. I'M READY! Let's get on with a few pictures...some of these plants you saw last month, but since they are still going strong, they bear repeating.
It's hard to capture white flowers without having so much contrast, but I put this in just to show that these little Cyclamen hederifolium are still blooming. The leaves behind are a fern called "Plumose Oak Fern" (Gymnocarpum?...I'm not going to look it up right now!). I'd read somewhere that they made good companions because they each have a dormant season that is opposite the other. For awhile, they share the stage and the effect is charming. These are planted in the Rhody bed on the North side of the house.
This is the same Heather (Calluna vulgaris 'H.E. Beale') that was shown on the August page. The flowers are fully double now and some of them are starting to become brown. Once they get past the in-between stage, the brown spikes will still be attractive through the winter for their form. I'd pruned this rather harshly in the early Spring and am glad to see how well it came back.
Not show stoppers from a distance, but aren't these little Toad Lilies cute? The botanical name is Tricyrtis hirta. When they were purchased they looked like little hairy bulbs. Once established, they colonize slowly and have arching stems with clasping leaves. Their pluses are that they bloom in the fall and are very distinctive in form. |
Continue on to September Page 2...
This page last updated on October 7, 1998.