During the early part of December of 1998, we had a surprise
snowfall. You have to realize that in the Pacific Northwest, we don't
get snow every year and it's a big deal when it comes down. This was
a very small one and short-lived, but brought much excitement to the
kids since we didn't get any last year. It also got me to grab the
camera. I realize in looking at these that a little snow does much
more to adorn the garden in winter than a bunch...which hides
everything! Sorry they are so dark, but it was snowing at the time I
took them and the sky was pretty dark. Anyway...I humbly share them
and hope you enjoy looking at plants with sprinklings of snow on
them! We had more snow than this the day before Christmas Eve day,
but I didn't take too many photos of that one...too busy trying to
get ready for Christmas! Boy was I behind this year.
![[Back Arbor and Miscanthus in Snow]](Winter98/BackArborSnow.JPEG)
A little sprinkling of snow really accentuates the bones
of the garden. It's a good time to walk around and decide
whether or not you need to provide more structure by adding
evergreens, structures, or plants that have a winter
presence because of their dried foliage or seedheads. The
Miscanthus you see above is wonderful at all times of
year, but especially appreciated during the winter for its
form and the wonderful sounds the foliage makes when the
wind whips it around. The little evergreens (that someday
won't be so little...maybe up to 15 feet over time) are
Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Boulevard.' They have a
wonderful texture and soft blue color at all times of the
You can hardly see the trampoline in this picture, but if
we had more snow than this, it would need rescuing! This is
the same group of trees that provided "home" for some noisy
crows over the summer. The nest is in the tree to the left.
The little bed toward the right is the "ash bed" and it's
full of color from Spring to Summer. Won't be much longer
and it will be stirring with early crocus and tulips, if the
deer don't eat off all the buds.
![[Barberries with Snow]](Winter98/BarbSnow.JPEG)
The barberries are wonderful in the winter. These
still have a few fall-colored leaves clinging to the
branches which add a little more color. The smaller bits of
red are the berries which the birds strip off during the
winter (I still get a lot of volunteer plants anyway!).
Blue fescue with a little sprinkling of snow. The
oak leaves in the background will be left there until later
this winter when I start tidying up the bed. This will
hopefully be done before the Hellebores in the vicinity
start their blooming.
On my walk back to the front entry, I noticed this little
astilbe stem bent over with snow. Kind of glad I
never got around to cutting it off!
This is the little clump of Cyclamen coum 'Pewter
Leaf' that I love so much. It grows by the sidewalk
leading to the front porch. Can you see the bright fuchsia
colored buds? In another month, it will have charming little
flowers suspended over this beautiful foliage. Maybe this
season, I'll transplant the two tiny babies that are near
this mother clump.
![[Snow Nest - Frosty Curls Carex]](Winter98/SnowNest.JPEG)
This looks just like a bird's nest, doesn't it? The plant
hiding here is Carex 'Frosty Curls' ... on the other
side of the sidewalk from the cyclamen. The plant behind is
a heather (Calluna vulgaris 'H.E. Beale').
I leaned over the rail on the deck to take this of the
front yard. We still need to have that big fir tree removed
one of these years! See the snowflakes? They are rather
heavy because the weather was on the warm side, but still
fun for the month of December!
![[Deck Bed with snow]](Winter98/DeckBedSnow.JPEG)
Here's a view of the deck bed taken from the end of the
deck at the back of the house. You probably can't notice as
much as I do, but there's a gap where two rhodies were
removed in the fall (just to the right of the Styrax trunk
on the fence side of the bed). I will rearrange that area
later this winter.
Miscanthus is almost as good as rubber! This poor clump
was sagging under the weight of the snow, but as soon as it
melted, the clump came back up and is still beautiful. If it
was weighted down over a long period of time, it might not
recover so well.
![[Helleborus orientalis buds]](Winter98/HelleboreBuds.JPEG)
Under the Styrax japonica near the deck are the first
Helleborus orientalis plants I purchased a few years
back.They are the parents of the seedlings that were planted
at the back of the oak bed two seasons ago. Here you see the
buds coming up from the crown of the plant. Later, I will
cut off the rest of these leaves as the new ones emerge.
They still looked nice so I left them on a bit longer.
![[Sarcococca ruscifolia]](Winter98/Sarcococca99.JPEG)
Before you even notice they are there, you can smell the
fragrance of these little creamy flowers on the
Sarcococca ruscifolia. When the air temperature
raises, their scent will carry to the front porch and deck,
even though the bush is on the shady north side. This
variety sets black berries. No seedlings have been seen
yet...don't know if that will ever happen. It's a very
pretty foliage plant as well as having very sweet smelling
flowers in late winter. Can be damaged by harsh winters in
our Zone 8 climate, however.
![[Crocus 'Cream Beauty']](Winter98/CrocCrBeauty99.JPEG)
Before I even got down to clearing the old foliage from
last season, these eager crocus popped up. Since this photo
was taken, the dead plant tops have been trimmed, but there
is still weeding to be accomplished in this bed before the
full flush of spring comes (the ash bed). The crocus
variety shown is an early one called, 'Cream Beauty.'
I love the perky little flowers of Cyclamen coum.
This is the 'Pewter Leaf' cultivar purchased from
Montrose Nursery in North Carolina before they closed down
their mail order operations. The flowers are slightly paler
than the straight green leaved variety.
Just when I was getting hyped about spring, we had
another snowfall in early February! It was just enough to be
really pretty and then it melted in a few days. Puff is in
her favorite "bed" on the deck and staying out of the cold
![[Snow and lavender stems]](Winter98/LavenderSnow99.JPEG)
Last year's lavender stems in the West Perennial bed
(where I still need to weed). Hard to believe they were once
filled with the buzzing of bumblebees.
The same Viburnum bodnantense 'Dawn' shown above,
with a bit of a snow challenge. The flowers came through
with flying colors and are still blooming away. I need to
walk back when the rains let up and take a sniff of that
great spicy smell!
![[Helleborus orientalis buds with snow]](Winter98/HelleboresSnow99.JPEG)
These are two of the Hellebore seedlings that were
set two years ago in the oak bed. It's the first year for
them to bloom and some already have multiple stems...let's
hear it for ALFALFA!
The regular Cyclamen coum in the north bed,
bending under snow. I just took some close-ups of these
without snow and I hope a couple of them turned out. What a
sight for color deprived eyes!
As the snow was melting and we had a spot of sun, I took
a picture of the Witch Hazel/Hamamelis mollis near
our bedroom window in the alley bed. It's a slow grower, but
I'm going to need to trim it each year now that it has put
on some size. These are wonderful plants with a fragrance
that I've always said to me smells like the pulp of fresh
squeezed oranges. Not all my kids smell it that way
though...noses are not all the same.