
Crocus and Croakers! February and
March in Our Garden

Now that I'm using my son's old computer system, I have a monitor
with higher resolution (was using 640 X 480). This will affect how I
am laying out the page. This will probably be better for those of you
who have been viewing the page with the higher resolutions all along.
For those who have lower ones, I hope these will still fit on your
screen without scrolling back and forth. I know what a pain that is!
Problem is... the lower resolutions are getting less and less common,
so I will probably go with a wider layout...within reason.
By the way...you won't find any photos of frogs on this
page, but the reason I put "croakers" in the title is because they
are awake and singing more and more every evening!
Front Entry:
This is the front entry in late February to Early March.
Now that the crocuses have multiplied themselves, they
really could use some lifting and dividing!
These are the same crocuses near the sidewalk
close up. For some interesting effects on this photo using
Photoshop filters, see the bottom of the page. The photo at
the top of the page is the same group after rain and on an
overcast day.
This mish-mash of crocuses is growing underneath
the fruiting cherry tree near the driveway. They have seeded
themselves from the original clumps. The group of solid
purple and golden ones to the right of the photo were some
of the originally planted crocuses. I don't really notice
the golden ones seeding like the white, striped and purple
ones do.
See the automatic light glowing on the carport? This
photo was snapped in the AFTERNOON... maybe around 2:30.
That's how dreary and dark it was. We had TONS of rain and
gloom in the months of February and early March. Someone
walked near the sensor for this light and it was dark enough
for it to kick on! Pathetic.
The poor leaves on these got nipped by cold night
temperatures, but how cheerful the early primroses
always are. I probably buy a few of these every
Deck and Front:
This is the happy group of Tete a' Tete narcissus
growing in a deck planter. I love this early "daffodil" and
it's one of the few that will come back for me in open
![[Stellar's Jay]](February99/Steller'sJay.JPEG)
That bright blue spot with a black head and crest is a
Stellar's Jay... the Western counterpart of the
Eastern Blue Jay. They are pretty and comical, but can be
pesky. This one is waiting for me to leave so he can raid
the cat's food dish on the deck! The thing I hate the most
about these birds is that they will rob other birds' nests
of their babies and carry them off as food. Saw one take a
small barn swallow once and I haven't felt quite the same
about them since. I guess they have their place in the
natural scheme of things and they are beautiful birds!
For those of you who don't live in the Northwest... THIS
is a "sunbreak!"
Hardy Cyclamen coum. Love this plant!
The Back Area:
After being locked in by clouds for weeks, the mountains
finally get a chance to be seen. Look at all that nice white
Notice anything missing? The blue and white van was
finally sold and towed away. This was a rare day when the
sun came out and the greening of the pasture grass is
obvious. Makes the adrenaline start to flow and spring fever
is setting in!
A familiar view if you visit here often. The small
Witch Hazel, 'Arnold Promise' blooms in the right
foreground and you can see the emerging leaves of the
daylilies and perennials. Harder to see is the group of
hellebores along the back between the tree and the row of
barberries next to the carport.
When spring fever sets in for Ron, he gets out and mows
the grass! It's still kind of wet, but that first mowing
really makes things look a tiny bit better. I just cut down
that big clump of Miscanthus grass a couple of days ago (17
![[Crocus 'Cream Beauty']](February99/CrBeautyCrocClose.JPEG)
This is the 'Cream Beauty' crocus picture that was
offered as wallpaper. They are growing in the ash bed in the
back yard.
The Alley Bed:
Sunshine in the alley bed! There are still some blossoms
on the Witch Hazel next to the house and the early
golden crocus are up.
A closer shot of the early crocus, lit up by rare
A little bit later the larger crocus come up...
these are under the dogwood and the green flowers to the
left are from a Helleborus foetidus seedling.
Sprinkled throughout are the leaves of Cyclamen
When I came closer to those crocus to get a closeup, I
saw these two very large and slow bumblebees
trying to get around. It appeared they may have spent the
night in the closed crocus flowers and woke up when the sun
hit them all (thus, opening the blooms so the bees could
climb out).
A Host of Hellebores! This is the first
year of bloom for most of these.
A nice bright burgundy.
This one had a similar color upon opening as the one to
the left. I've noticed that the new foliage forecasts the
darkness of the flowers. These burgundy seedlings both had
bronze new leaves.
A bit stripy with an apple blossom quality.
Nice old rose with some subtle veining. I like this
This is hard to see, but is a piece of a plant I got from
my sister's rental a couple of years ago. I call it "Dave's
Hellebore" because he passed away at that home shortly after
they moved in and these had been blooming and appreciated by
him before his untimely death. Glad this plant has taken
hold and will provide future seedlings.
One more...might be the same or similar to the rose one
![[Fluted edges Hellebore]](February99/HellRuffledClose.JPEG)
Love the deep color and ruffles on this one!
![[Hellebore parents under Styrax]](February99/Helleboreprnts99.JPEG)
This was the group that started it all. These are the
parents under the Styrax tree. They are blooming more this
year after having a top dressing of alfalfa pellets last
![[Hellebores under Styrax...later]](February99/Hellebsoft.JPEG)
These are very similar photos but were taken a couple of
weeks apart. I wanted you to see how well Hellebores
hold up over time. They really are wonderful plants during
this bleak season! That door in the background is how the
kids get to their bedrooms. Maybe an inside access will be
in our near future?
A bit of computer
For Fun...I played with a few photos in
Photoshop and came up with these. Thought you might enjoy looking at
them. Computers are amazing. Doesn't replace true skill and artistic
talent by those who can do this the slow real way... but great for
the rest of us!
Above Hellebores photo with a watercolor filter
Crocus photo (wallpaper offered on index page) with
watercolor filter applied.
![[Purple Crocus Dry Brush]](February99/CrocusPurpDryBr.JPEG)
Same Crocus photo with "smart blur" filter applied. I
really like this one.
There's more on
Page 2

This page last updated on April 20, 1999.
©All materials on this website
(excluding graphics that are credited to other sources) are the
property of Kathy Miller and are not to be used for web or commercial
purposes without permission. If you want to print out the site for
personal reference or use photo images on greeting cards or personal
craft items that are not for sale...that is perfectly okay with