busier I've gotten with the web page, the harder it is to check these
links. If you have any problem with them, please
email me so that I can make the necessary
adjustments. Thanks!
NOTICE to those who wish to request a
link here... I have tried to
keep the emphasis of this site on COLD PROCESS soapmaking, but have
included other methods and links as a service to those folks who want
to try other ways. I feel I'm getting more melt and pour links than I
really want and would discourage you from requesting a link if that's
the main thrust of your site. I also don't list links with the goal of increasing web traffic. I try to list links pertinent to cold process soapmaking for those who want to make their own (not sites that are selling finished soap and toiletry products).
I've been receiving a lot of RECIPROCAL LINK REQUESTS and no longer want to take the time to answer each one. I hope you will see this and understand if you didn't hear back from me.
Thank you!
-Kathy Miller |

Return to Kathy's
Soapmaking Links

Homemade Soaps for
Here for Details...

- Better Living
Through Soap Chemistry Forum - Drop in and
check out this forum... "This board is primarily dedicated to cold
process soapmaking, to the science behind it (e.g.
troubleshooting, experimentation, making soap with other
alkalines, etc.), as well as to discussion of general chemistry as
it applies to soap, experimentation in other toiletries, and
anything else you'd like to discuss!" - Sara,
- Candle
and Soap Making - - TONS of great
soapmaking links!
I'm listing the following page for
those who speak German, but am not planning to carry many foreign
sites that are mainly commercial (and I don't want too much
emphasis on melt and pour)...
- Der
Seifenkünstler (The Soap Artist) -"We are
a small family business specialising in melt and
pour products for sale via internet.We serve the European
Community and hope that you will like the homepage we've put
together! The site offers complete step-by-step instructions for
various MP techniques (Anleitungen) as well as a large picture
gallery (Bildergallerie) that might also be of interest to
non-German speakers :-). Yes, the site is unfortunately in
GERMAN only and can be found at
hope you will have a bit of fun looking at what we've put
together! Best wishes to you, Tara Kneitz.
- Fragrance Oil Finder - What a GREAT resource... a
list of any number of fragrances, their descriptions and
suppliers who stock them! The wonderful lady who maintains this site has now added a search feature.
- Houston
Soapmakers Forum - Hosted by Yahoo! and
founded by John M. Krafka
- Ilmiosapone -
This is a new soapmaking page that is in
ITALIAN! Many thanks to Patrizia Garzena for making it
available. :-) ..."My site is a sort of virtual compendium where I
have listed whatever I have learnt about soapmaking in my brief
soapmaking career. :-) I do not know if in Italy there are many
soapmakers as in the USA or in the UK but I hope that my little,
humble site will become a *meeting point* for people who share the
same hobby." -Patrizia
Soap Forum (hosted by Sugar Plum Sundries) - A
great soapmakers forum with lots of participation and helpful
information. Be sure to visit!
- Majestic
Mountain Sage Soap Forum
- Naturseife - - "In AUSTRIA we also have a very good
private soap site with much information about CP soap with a
soapforum. I hope you like this site too."
- Sabrina Downard's
Soapmaker's Resources - Delightful and helpful
page for new soapmakers. I loved reading her soapmaking
- Soapmaker's
Web Ring - Tap into this ring and visit many
soapmaking sites...most of them commercial
- Soapnuts
Library - This is chock full of helpful tips,
instructions, and recipes! Some of the latter include how to make
soap rocks. Scroll to the bottom of the main page for the index
and be sure to check out all the helpful tips on using colorants,
a non-comodogenic chart of oils for lotionmaking (don't think it
much matters for soap), etc.
- The Saponifier
- This is a printed trade publication, available
by subscription. Articles are submitted by people who are in the
business of soapmaking.
- The Scent Review
Board - Great looking forum where you can post or read
other people's comments about scent companies and individual
fragrances. Also a place to post favorite blends with particular
- U.S. Box - For the
serious soapmaker/seller. Soap packaging such as exclusive Net
Bags, Plastic Covered Boxes, Printed Ribbon, Gift Pouches in
Fabric & Vinyl, Cello Bags, Gift Basket Boxes, Printed Tissue
and exclusive Gourmet Colored Shipping Boxes. Minimum order of
$100 or $10 penalty for smaller orders.
- From an email: I'd like
to suggest a link for your Canadian Soapmaking Links page: I'm not sure if you're interested in listing
companies based outside of Canada, but I've found US Box to be a
good resource for creative/eye catching packaging supplies.
They'll even do custom printing on most of their bags and
Groups: SOAPMAKING - Here
is a whole list of groups from which to choose... for those who
have the time!
Return to Table of
Canadian Sources for Soapmaking Supplies,
(Many courtesy of the Toiletries
Page. Please Email
Kathy if any of these links don't
- Ambrosia Natural Products
- 20445 62nd Ave., Langley, BC, V3A 5E6
- Essential oils
- Aquarius
Aromatherapy & Soap
- URLs:
- Email:
- Owner: Adriana Notte
- Mission, British Columbia Canada
- AND U.S. location: Sumas, WA USA
- They ship over 90% of their orders to the
United States ... "we can almost see the U.S. from our shop
- Canwax 1-877-670-6002
- URL:
- Email:
- 114 Lindgren Road West, Unit #1B (Middle Unit), Huntsville, ON P1H 1Y2
- "Canada's premier site for candle and soapmaking supplies." Email from a customer, April 2010 ... "Canwax company in Huntsville, ON, will ship 1 kilo packs of lye or sodium hydroxide within Canada. I think the charge is 8.00 for a kilogram, which is 2.2 pounds. I searched for a long time on the internet before I found them so I just wanted to pass it along to all the soapmakers."
- Cranberry
- URL:
- Everything for the "all
natural brigade" (i.e. no pigments, dyes or FOs). EOs are pricey,
but everything else is reasonable and very high quality (submitted
by Jules).
- Creations from Eden NEW!
- URL:
- Email:
- Phone: (780) 451-0280
- Director/President: Randi Carr
- Edmonton, AB, Canada
- Canada T5L 4N8
- From Randi Carr: "We are an online store located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada that sells both CP and M&P soapmaking supplies. We carry both NaOH and KOH, which I know many people have problems finding in this area. We also have colorants, exfoliants, fragrances, essential oils, base oils, sodium lactate, stearic acid, gum rosin, molds, books, etc etc… basically everything you could think of for CP soapmaking as well as lotion making and M&P. We currently do not have a storefront, however order pick up is possible to save on shipping."
- URL:
- From Jules: "The site can be
viewed in either US or Canadian - and for Canadians they package
in metric! They're located here in Richmond, but they do most of
their shipping to the US. A LOT of their FOs are bad in CP, but
their EO prices make up for it - their fixed oil prices aren't bad
either! Lots of the local suppliers get their stuff from FPI!
Minimum order is, I think, $100. They're the north american office
of FPI Products in England, a HUGE supplier to the industry
- Harlan Fairbanks Co.
- Unit 300 - 819 Cliveden Place
- Delta, B.C.
- Phone: 604-525-0400
- Hours: 8:00a.m. to 4:30p.m. (Pacific)
- Island Artisan Supply
- URL:
- Phone: (250) 218-1280
- Box 458
- Merville, BC
- Canada V0R 2M0
- For those who have been missing the Prenty's, this is their old business, but new name and new owners (not the former "new" owners). They'd love to see people get behind these nice folks and help make the business a success. Soapmaking and packaging supplies, the original tutorials provided by Des and Pat... they're all here at this site. Store front office hours are Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please check them out. :-)
- K
& W Specialties
- Phone: (613) 653-7627 (Soap)
- Toll-Free: (888) 285-7627(Soap)
- Box 524
- Westport, ON
- Canada K0G 1X0
- Fax: (613) 653-7626
- Email:
- URL:
- No minimum order, low shipping rates, and fast
lead time. Payment can be
- made by cheque, money order, VISA, Mastercard,
COD or deposit in a CIBC
- account. Essential oils, fragrance oils, fixed
oils, colourants, books
- and much more.
- Lyndenhouse International, Inc.
- URL:
- Email:
50 Greenveiw Cres.
Strathmore, AB T1P 1L6
Phone: 403-934-9449
- Fax 888-845-1430
- We are a supplier of melt and pour soap, cold process soap making ingredients, oils and butters, fragrance and essential oils, color additives, cream and lotion making bases, toiletry additives and emulsifiers, salts and powders, molds, container and packaging supplies. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff can assist you with all your needs. Many recipies to choose from. Same day ship.
- Nelsie's Cupboard
- 168 Swanwick Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. M4E 2A6
- Tel: (416) - 693-7025, Fax: (416) 693-2696
- Sylvia Genders LeReverend
- Amounts (4 oz.) of pine tar, lecithin, neet's
foot oil, neem leaves, citric acid, or other ingredients people
need for test batches before you 'buy big'!
- New Directions Aromatics
- URL:
- 21 Regan Road, Suite B,
Brampton, Ontario L7A 1C5
- Tel: (905) 840-5459, Toll Free: 1-(877)-255-7692, Fax: (905) 846-1784
- This supplier has a leaning to melt and pour, but carries a lot of items that can be used in cold process soap... colorants, fragrances, essential oils, additives, etc.
- Northern
- URL:
- Owner: Kim Richards
- Email:
- Phone: (250) 961-1779
- Fax: (250) 614-7211
- Northern Scents is located in Prince George,
British Columbia. We carry a number of different essential oils
and fragrance oil, as well as our own soap lines. Retail and
wholesale pricing is available. Come and check us out!
- Oshun
Spirit Arts Ltd.
- Phone: (250) 832-1099
- Salmon Arm, BC
- Fax: (250) 832-1079
- Email:
- URL:
- Essential & fragrance oils, vegetable
oils, bottles & jars, soapmaking supplies
- Planet Botanix
- Owner: Heather Garrod
301 Bank St
Somerset, Ottawa, Ontario
KP2 1X7
- Phone: 613-567-4444
- Email:
- Poya
- URL:
- From Angela M.: "Another great place
for eo's, all oils, fancy bottles, floral waters, aromatherapy
stuff and many other things that I have forgotten."
- Quality
First International, Inc. - Prime Ingredients (division)
- 335 Laird Rd., Unit 9
Guelph, ON
Canada N1G 4P7
- Email:
- Phone: (877) 870-1018
- Supplier of carrier oils, extracts, botanicals and specialty oils, selected essential oils, organic ingredients
Saffire Blue Inc
538 Highway # 3
Courtland, ON
Canada N0J 1E0
Phone: 519.688.0546
Fax: 519.488.1114
Toll Free: 877.248.1115
Saffire Blue offers an extensive selection of high quality soap making and cosmetic formulation supplies. Saffire Blue is your source for quality Shea butter, mango butter and other exotic butters, as well as carrier oils, fragrance oils, cosmetic bases, cosmetic packaging, salts, clays and so much more. From the hobby soap maker to professional soap maker, we have high quality ingredients to make your products stand out.
- Slippery
- Address: The Slippery Soap Company Ltd.
- 103-2633 Vidking Way
- Richmond, B.C., Canada V6V 1N3
- PHONE: (604) 279-0050
- FAX: (604) 279-0056
- Email:
- Manufacturer/wholesaler of clear glycerin Melt
and Pour soaps and cosmetic bases, including lotions, bath oils,
shower gels, shampoos, conditioners, toners, cleansers, body milk
& shaving cream. They will also create your own custom blends
to your specifications for quantities of 1/4 ton and
- Soap
and More
- URL:
- Maureen Oliver
- Email:
- We are a Calgary supplier of soapmaking
ingredients. Both CP and melt and pour. Both retail and wholesale.
Soap & More the learning centre Inc. has been in business for more than a decade. We carry everything from
hard to find carrier oils, essential and fragrance oils, molds,
books, kits, botanicals, salts, containers, colorants and several
natural ingredients. There are ongoing workshops and we do
- Soapmaker
Software -
A couple in Canada has developed this
software program for soapmakers. It does recipe calculation and
organization, including recipe costing and graphic display of
predicted soap qualities. It also provides complete inventory
control for tracking supplies and products made.
- Suds
N' Scents
- Owner: Tanna Hardy
- URL:
- Email:
- Phone: (604) 859-7837
- Fax: (604) 859-1805
- Retail Address: Abbotsford, B.C.
- Natural soap making supplies, liquid and solid
carriers, melt & pour soap base, molds, packaging items,
essential and fragrance oils, clays, pigments, liquid dyes,
botanicals, mineral makeup and more. Offers a recipe section on their website. Business focus is mainly website ordering and
retail business is by appointment only.
- Tub
- Owners: Karen and Peter Sheldon
- URL:
- Email -
- Phone - (519) 742-6292
- Fax - (519) 742-8575
- 9 General Drive
- Kitchener, ON
- N2K 1R1
- Canada
- Melt and pour glycerine soap, fragrances,
colourants and moulds. Visa, MasterCard and American Express,
cheque, money order and COD.
- Voyageur
Soap and Candle
- URL:
- Website not the main attraction, but they have
a store in Surrey, BC and the staff are very helpful. Prices on
everything are good. (Thanks to Jules for this
- Well
Now...Glassware, Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, Soap Making,
- URL:
- Email:
Here are some more submitted links... I'm not familiar with these
so am leaving them in a separate list for your consideration.... any
feedback is welcome!
Hello Kathy,
My name is Tara Christie and I have
really enjoyed your site, and just stumbled on some suppliers you
don't have so I thought I would pass on the information. You have the
best Canadian suppliers list there is, and your site has been more
helpful than anything I know. So without further ado, here they
- Acqua Vita
- 85 Arundel Ave
- Toronto, Ontario
- M4K 3A3
- (416) 405-8855
- URL:
- Supplier of essential oils, hydrosols, and
- Natural Sense
- Their store address:
- 53 King Street
- Bowmanville, Ontario
- 1-888-Tea-Tree
- Essential oils and supplies
- Nature's
Essence Aromatherapy
- 44 Chaparral Drive S.E.
- Calgary Alberta
- (409) 254-1184
- Fax (403) 201-5800
- URL:
- EOs and other supplies
- Hope this is helpful.
Return to Table of
Conversion Calculators Online (Ounces, Grams...etc.!)
Mountain Sage: Measurement Conversion Calculator
- These next two are thanks to Anna Merhoff!:
- "For Mac users, there's a wonderful little utility called
Macverter." - Scott Rothstein
Return to Table of
Information and Recipes
- Check this out!
:-) - Some generous soapmakers
contributed this delightful soapy explanation with illustrations
in order to visually explain the process of Saponification and Lye
Discounting. I just love this! Thanks to Pat B! and Jennifer Davis
of Canis Art! Here is the
- Beginner Soapmaking Tutorial - NEW! This is the old tutorial put together by Des and Pat Prenty. It's now found at Island Artisan Supply. Great directions with pictures.
- Calculators
Online Center - All sort of scientific
calculators available here. This is the repaired link.
- Camden-Grey
Essential Oil Information - This page lists
the various oils, describes them and suggests what to mix them
- Chestnut
Farms - Online plans for making your own SOAP MOLD.-This link
had been lost for awhile when they were reorganizing their site,
but I just found it and am posting it again.
- Colonial Soapmaking: Its History and Techniques - This is a wonderful overview of how soap is made the old fashioned way, using wood ashes. The first site I had posted for this type of information is no longer available.
Cosmetics: Soap - Read what the FDA has to say
about soap (and what isn't really soap!).
- Felicia's
Fragrance Finder -
An interesting and useful
compilation of sources for many fragrance oils and feedback on
some of their behaviors in cold process soap. Worth a visit! Also
lists Canadian sources.
- Fragrance
Descriptions by Parfums Raffy
- Here's a great link
posted by Jules on Latherings... it describes many famous perfumes
and what their "notes" are. Might be a good study for those who
want to experiment with mixing scents.
- Glossary for
the Modern Soap Maker - A nice resource
provided by Coconut Coast Natural Products.
- Hot
Process and Rebatching from Diane's Naturally Site (Australia)
- Hot
Process Information from Sabrina Downard - A
handout you can print out if you are interested in this
- Hot
Process Soapmaking - This is an instructional
link for making soap the old fashioned cooking it on your
stove. Complete with witty dialogue and photos. The author,
Melanie Dunstan, resides in Australia. Check out the rest of her
site while you are there.
- Introduction
to Soapmaking - This is a helpful tutorial on
cold process soapmaking provided by Pat Prenty... with great
photos and lists of needed materials!
- Irene's
House of Soap - This site was posted on
Latherings and has some good instructions for marbling, as well as
photos of beautiful marbled soaps.
- Liquid
Soapmaking Instructions - Part of the site. Be sure to click on the link for the photos... and don't expect to email me if you get stuck. ;-) I don't do liquid soaps.
- Liquid Soapmaking Tutorial - NEW! This is the old tutorial put together by Des and Pat Prenty. It's now found at Island Artisan Supply. Great directions with pictures.
- Lovena's
Soapmaking - Lovena Harwood uses the Oven
Hot Process method (OHP) of soapmaking and has written several
tutorials to explain these techniques. Both her Swirling
and Swirl-Layer Combo tutorials describe the
"swirl-in-the-pot" technique. Once you get the hang of it, you'll
find just how easy it is to create swirls and layers using the
Oven Hot Process method. If you have questions about these
techniques, be sure to direct them to Lovena and not to me! (Kathy
- Majestic
Mountain Sage - Home - Soapmaking supplies,
recipes and books, plus lye and fragrance "calculators" to help
you in designing your recipes. A Great Site!
- Majestic
Mountain Sage: Scent Blends - Some creative
- Majestic
Mountain Sage: Fragrance Calculator- Develop
your own recipes with this great tool or test new ones to be sure
of their proportions and mildness. After you enter your data, you
can print it out and have the whole thing at your fingertips.
- Majestic
Mountain Sage Lye Calculator for Creating Soap Formulas
- Majestic
Mountain Sage: Measurement Conversion Calculator
- What a handy device this is!
- Majestic
Mounbtain Sage: Understanding Specific Gravity
- Please read this if you are interested in
using volume measures in your recipes as opposed to weight.
- Oils4Life
Essential Oil and Aromatherapy Information - Great
description of how essential oils are extracted, some of their
applications and an alphabetical listing of oils and their
properties, etc. UK supplier of pure essential oil, carrier
oil, massage oil, sport massage oil and many other Aromatherapy
gift items.
- Pine
Meadows-Recipes for Sweet Smelling Soaps and Lotions -
A great looking assortment of soap and lotion
recipes... also fizzing bath bombs. Check them out!
- Rainbow Meadow
Inc.-Info Center - All kinds of helpful
information can be found here!
- Rebatching - Judy Scher's (formerly of Cat Dreams Soap)
rebatching method posted here... you'll need to scroll
- Salt Soap Tutorial - NEW! I don't know how long this will be available, but it's an instruction on how to make "salt soap." A reader shared the link. I've not tried this one myself but people are starting to ask about it. The gal who prepared it is from Ladybug Soapworks.
- Sappo
Hill: A History of Soapmaking ... Through the
- Soap and
Related Recipes - Sabrina Downard's
- Soap
Impressions - Hints and Tips for Stamping Soap
- Soap Naturally -
New website resource which is based in Australia.
Lots of good links and be sure to check out the amazing photos of
"confections" made from soap that has been decorated using cake
frosting tips and whipped soap 'frosting'.
- Soapnuts
Library - This is chock full of helpful tips,
instructions, and recipes! Some of the latter include how to make
soap rocks. Scroll to the bottom of the main page for the index
and be sure to check out all the helpful tips on using colorants,
a non-comodogenic chart of oils for lotionmaking (don't think it
much matters for soap), etc.
- SoapTeacher:
Advanced Tips for Melt and Pour Soap - While I
don't do melt and pour, some of the techniques shown here can also
be adapted to cold process.
- Soul
Gazer Sundries - Kat K. has put her own changes into the Chris
Mathes Spreadsheet Calculator and you can visit her site and
download her version here. Also, check out her tutorial for making
your own soap labels in Microsoft Word.
- Summers Past
Farms - Another Online Lye Calculator that
looks easy to use! All fits on one screen, unlike the Majestic
Mountain Sage one.
- -
The thrust of the soapmaking instructions here is
melt and pour, but there are many excellent articles on things
like scent, colorants, pricing, insurance, etc. Be sure to check
it out!
- The
Soap Factory - Colonial Soap Making...Its History and
Techniques - Talk about a comprehensive
history lesson! Very interesting. Check out the other information
on this site...they also sell homemade soaps.
- TKB Trading-What is Glycerin?
- I've reformatted this slightly so that it won't
take up too much paper if you want to print it. It is another
informative article by Kaila Westerman.
- Uses
for Various Oils in Soapmaking - Sabrina
Downard has a very informative website and took the time to make a
list of many soapmaking base oils, special oils and additives.
Next to each is a description of what qualities they impart to the
finished bar.
Return to Table of
Shipping Calculations
Want to find out how much the shipping is going to boost your cost
on supplies? Check out these online calculators.
- Canada Post
- USPS (Postal Service)
Domestic Rate Calculator
- Quick
Cost Calculator (UPS)

This page last updated on 17 May 2012
If you still have questions, please read through the information on the Troubleshooting Help page, MOST Frequently Asked
Questions and Modern Procedures. More can also be learned through the Botched Batches and Soapy Success pages. Many common problems have already been addressed on the site and it's difficult for me to keep up with emails these days and get anything else done. If your question involves my looking up information that you can also research, or going over numbers and recipe calculations, I might not respond if in the middle of a project around our home and garden. I apologize for this, since I've enjoyed my correspondence with people and don't like to ignore emails of any kind. Thanks! :-)